Steven van de Velde is facing his debut at the Olympics. Especially abroad, reason to revive the 29-year-old beach volleyball player's past. Van de Velde feels strengthened by the support of the Dutch volleyball federation and the National Olympic Committee (NOC*NSF).

Both organizations rely on the opinions of experts who consider the chance of recidivism nil. After his conviction and sentence, Steven van de Velde returned to the highest level of sport step by step under the expert guidance of probation and coaching, among others. He has been participating in international tournaments again since 2017. 

Van de Velde himself always reckoned that this black period in his life would be revived but is obviously not happy about it. "That’s obvious, but I also understand that this is just part of it. In 2016 and afterwards, several Dutch media also paid attention to the story. I understand that in the run-up to the biggest sporting event in the world, this can attract the attention of international media."

In 2016, Van de Velde was convicted in England of having sex with an underage girl, which is rape under English law and fornication under Dutch law. Statutory rape is defined in England as unforced sexual activity where one of the individuals is younger than the age required to consent to the behaviour.

Van de Velde was sentenced to four years in prison and, after serving part of his sentence in England, was transferred to the Netherlands under a treaty between the two countries. In the process, the sentence was also adjusted to the standards of Dutch law. After his release, Van de Velde sought and received professional counseling. He has demonstrated to those around him - privately and professionally - self-insight and reflection.

Van de Velde told his side of the story in various Dutch media, stressing that he took the blame in everything. "I cannot reverse it, so I will have to bear the consequences. It has been the biggest mistake of my life." 

Watch the interview Van der Velde gave to NOS in 2018 here. 

Second chance
"When I watch the footage of the interview again, a great sense of gratitude prevails. Because of the second chance I got from my parents, my friends, acquaintances and colleagues, who accepted me again after the biggest misstep of my then young life. I am also grateful to the Dutch volleyball federation, because they offered me, with clear conditions and agreements, a future in this beautiful sport again. But I also think back to the teenager I was, who was insecure, not ready for a life as a top class athlete and unhappy inside, because I didn't know who I was and what I wanted."

When Van de Velde looks in the mirror now, he sees a mature and happy man, married and father of a beautiful son. "Someone with the ability to perform at the Olympics and willing to do and leave a lot for that. But also, someone who wants to perform in ordinary life, in which we are all involved. In my role as father and husband, in my role as colleague and neighbor."

The Dutch volleyball federation (Nevobo) supports Van de Velde's participation in Paris. "We know Steven's history. Before he expressed his desire to return to beach volleyball at the time, we spoke extensively with him but also with NOC*NSF, among others," says Michel Everaert, general director at Nevobo. "He was convicted at the time according to English law and he has served his sentence. From then on, we have been in constant contact with Steven, who has now been fully reintegrated into the Dutch volleyball community. He is proving to be an exemplary professional and human being and there has been no reason to doubt him since his return. We fully support him and his participation in Paris, which he and Matthew have earned." 

NOC*NSF also stands behind Van de Velde's qualification: "Already since 2017, Steven van de Velde - after an intensive professionally supervised process with, among others, the probation service - is once again participating in international beach volleyball tournaments. At the time, the considerations and conditions for return to top-level sports were determined by both Nevobo and NOC*NSF partly on the basis of the Guideline Integrity History of NOC*NSF, which sets out, among other things, the conditions under which athletes in top-level sports can return after a conviction. Van de Velde now meets all the qualification requirements for the Olympic Games and is therefore part of the team.” 

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